Türkiye to bring back 10 historical artifacts of Anatolian origin from Italy

Türkiye to bring back 10 historical artifacts of Anatolian origin from Italy

Terracotta artifacts, which were smuggled from Türkiye, seized by Italian police in Florence, says Turkish culture and tourism minister

By Merve Berker

Türkiye will bring back from Italy 10 historical artifacts, which were smuggled out of the country, the Turkish culture and tourism minister said on Wednesday.

“We continue to bring back the artifacts smuggled from our country to the lands where they belong,” Mehmet Nuri Ersoy said on X.

“Ten of our terracotta artifacts, which were illegally removed from our country, were seized by the Italian Cultural Police in Florence and delivered to our Rome Ambassador Omer Gucuk and the officials of our ministry,” he said.

Ersoy thanked the Italian authorities for their “close cooperation” and Türkiye’s team “for their meticulous follow-up.”

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