Türkiye, US impose sanctions on Daesh/ISIS-linked individuals

Türkiye, US impose sanctions on Daesh/ISIS-linked individuals

Two countries simultaneously froze assets of individuals with links to Daesh/ISIS

By Tuba Ongun

Türkiye and the US on Friday simultaneously imposed sanctions on individuals with links to Daesh/ISIS terror group.

Turkish Treasury and Finance Ministry froze the assets in Türkiye of three individuals affiliated with the terrorist organization, who were accused of providing financing to terrorist organizations, according to the country's Official Gazette.

The assets of Muhammadyusuf Alisher Ogli Mirzoev (Mirzoev) and Rakhmonberdi Akhmatov (Niyazov), and Adam Khamirzaev (Khamirzaev) were frozen as they committed acts that fall within the scope of the crime of "financing terrorism" under the Law on Prevention of Financing of Terrorism.

The US Treasury also said Washington imposed sanctions on four individuals with links to ISIS, including members of an ISIS-linked human smuggling network.

The investigations into these targets, as well as their subsequent designations, were taken in close coordination with the Turkish government, it said.

"Today’s coordinated action with Türkiye demonstrates our continued commitment to the defense of the homeland against all terrorist threats, including the so-called Islamic State or ISIS," said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson.

Nelson said the US pledges to continue to be vigilant and use all its tools to identify and disrupt illicit networks that support ISIS operations.

Besides Niyazov, Mirzoev and Khamirzaev, the US Treasury said Olimkhon Makhmudjon Ugli Ismailov (Ismailov) is also involved in the ISIS-linked human smuggling network.

As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of the individuals named above, and of any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly, 50% or more by them, individually, or with other blocked persons, that are in the US or in the possession or control of US persons must be blocked, read the statement.

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