Türkiye's BIST 100 closes midweek in the red

Türkiye's BIST 100 closes midweek in the red

Benchmark index loses 81.27 points at closing session

By Tuba Ongun

ANKARA (AA) — Türkiye's benchmark stock index closed Wednesday at 9,890.76 points, falling 0.81% from the previous close.

Borsa Istanbul's BIST 100 index lost 81.27 points with a daily transaction volume of 98.4 billion liras ($2.78 billion).

The price of an ounce of gold was $2,683.21, while Brent crude oil sold for around $77.01 per barrel as of 6.37 p.m. local time (1537GMT).

The US dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate was 35.3619, the euro/lira exchange rate 36.4625, and the British pound traded at 43.6455 liras.

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