Türkiye's external assets at $323.1B as of April

Türkiye's external assets at $323.1B as of April

Gap between assets, liabilities abroad falls from end-2023 to minus $323.5B, official data shows

By Emir Yildirim

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye's external assets were at $323.1 billion at the end of April, down 2.9% compared to the end of last year, according to official data released on Friday.

Liabilities against non-residents rose 6.6% to $648.4 billion, Turkish Central Bank data showed.

The net international investment position (NIIP), defined as the difference between Türkiye's external assets and liabilities, climbed to minus $325.3 billion at the end of April, while the figure was at minus $275.7 billion at the end of last year.

Direct investments under liabilities soared 18.6% to $180.5 billion due to changes in market value and foreign exchange rates.

The NIIP – which can be either positive or negative – is the value of overseas assets owned by a nation, minus the value of domestic assets owned by foreigners, including overseas assets and liabilities held by a nation's government, the private sector, and citizens.​​​​​​

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