Türkiye's industrial production returns to growth in November

Türkiye's industrial production returns to growth in November

Industrial output rises 2.9% from October, official data shows

By Mucahithan Avcioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye’s industrial growth showed a month-on-month growth in November, reversing a 0.9% fall in October, according to official data released by TurkStat on Friday.

On a monthly basis, industrial output rose 2.9% in November compared to the previous month.

The manufacturing index increased 3.0% and the mining and quarrying index grew 2.8% monthly in November 2024.

The electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply index increased 2.0%.

On an annual basis, Türkiye's industrial production grew 1.5% in November, rebounding back to growth after 5 consecutive months of drop.

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