Türkiye's jobless rate down to 8.6% in November
Number of unemployed aged 15 and over falls 84,000 from month prior to 3.07M, official data shows
By Tuba Ongun
Türkiye's unemployment rate declined to 8.6% in November, from 8.7% in October, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said on Friday.
The number of jobless dropped 84,000 from a month ago to 3.07 million as of November, TurkStat data showed.
The unemployment rate for men stood at 7% and 11.7% for women.
The labor force participation rate rose to 54.2% in November, falling 0.4 percentage points from the previous month.
The employment rate slightly edged down by 0.2 percentage points to 49.6%, meaning 32.7 million people.
Youth unemployment, defined as those aged 15-24, decreased 0.5 percentage points to 15.8%. The rate was 11.9% for males and 23% for females.
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