Türkiye’s Medipol Health Group opens office in Uganda

Türkiye’s Medipol Health Group opens office in Uganda

Facility aims to provide access to advanced healthcare services in Uganda

By Hamza Kyeyune,

KAMPALA, Uganda (AA) - The Medipol Health Group, Türkiye’s largest private university hospital, debuted its international health representative office Friday in the Ugandan capital.

The facility aims to provide access to advanced healthcare services such as bone marrow, kidney and liver transplantations, oncological treatments and orthopedic surgeries in the East African country, where the healthcare system is in the development stage.

Dr. Reshat Kodrazi, the Kampala office representative for the Medipol Health Group, said Ugandans will be able to receive free medical evaluation and counseling services.

“Patients will have the opportunity to meet with Medipol's specialized doctors online and receive all necessary support during the treatment process through the representative office,” he said.

Erhan Gokce, the commercial attaché at the Turkish Embassy, urged Medipol to work closely with the Ugandan government to enhance the quality of patient services and improve the health sector.

The debut, hosted by Medipol Health Group African regional manager, Dr Ismail Murat, was attended by Ugandan Health Ministry officials, Turkish Airlines manager in Uganda, Ali Ozdemir, physicians and others.

The opening of the Medipol Health Group’s doors in Uganda marks the fourth international representative office on the African continent after Algeria, Ethiopia and Rwanda.

Medipol Health Group provides treatment services to more than 35,000 patients from 153 different countries annually and undertakes the treatment of tens of thousands of patients annually through its offices operating across the world.

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