Türkiye's total turnover up 42.4% in November

Türkiye's total turnover up 42.4% in November

Industry, construction, trade, and services indexes rise annually

By Mucahithan Avcıoğlu

ISTANBUL (AA) – Türkiye’s total turnover index increased by 42.4% year-on-year in November 2024, according to official data released by TurkStat on Monday.

The industry index rose by 30.1%, construction by 55.9%, trade by 44.6%, and services by 53.3% in November on an annual basis.

On a monthly basis, the total turnover index grew 2.6% in November, rebounding from a 1.3% decline in October.

Among the sub-indexes, industry rose by 2.3%, construction by 0.9%, trade by 3.1%, and services by 2.1% in November.

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