UK's Princess Kate makes 1st public appearance since cancer diagnosis

UK's Princess Kate makes 1st public appearance since cancer diagnosis

Kate joins king and the royal family in public as part of the Trooping the Colour event in London

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Princess of Wales Kate Middleton returned to the public eye on Saturday, for the first time since her cancer diagnosis.

Princess Kate attended the king’s Trooping the Colour event in London, making her first public appearance since her March announcement that she was receiving cancer treatment.

Kate was photographed earlier arriving at the event by car.

In a statement on Friday, the princess announced that she will join King Charles and the royal family in public as part of the Trooping the Colour event, a military ceremony at the Horse Guards Parade that celebrates the monarch's official birthday in June each year.

"I’m looking forward to attending the King’s Birthday Parade this weekend with my family and hope to join a few public engagements over the summer, but equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet," she noted.

On March 22, the princess announced that she was receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

In the video message recorded by the BBC Studios at Windsor, Kate announced on March 22 that she is receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

Her condition was discovered after the princess of Wales had abdominal surgery in January, added Kate.

The 42-year-old princess was admitted to the London Clinic on Jan. 16 for abdominal surgery. In the same month, Kensington Palace said she would be in the hospital for 14 days after undergoing the planned abdominal surgery.

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