UN chief 'concerned' about recent escalation of fighting in Sudan

UN chief 'concerned' about recent escalation of fighting in Sudan

Antonio Guterres urges parties to refrain from actions that could have 'dangerous consequences' for Sudan, says official

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is "concerned" about the recent escalation of fighting in Sudan, his spokesman said Friday.

The UN chief "is following with great concern the recent escalation of fighting in Sudan, in particular around the al-Jili oil refinery north of Khartoum, as well as in El Fasher in Darfur​," Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.

Fierce clashes has erupted as the army and rival paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) fight for control of the oil refinery north of the nation’s capital, Khartoum.

Guterres urged all parties to refrain from actions that could have "dangerous consequences" for Sudan and the region, including serious economic and environmental implications, said Dujarric.

He also renewed his demand for "urgent and genuine" dialogue between the parties to achieve an immediate cessation of hostilities.

The conflict between the army and the RSF, which began in mid-April 2023, has claimed more than 20,000 lives and displaced 14 million people, according to the UN and local authorities.

A study by US-based universities estimates the death toll at around 130,000.

International organizations have warned about a worsening humanitarian catastrophe, with millions facing famine and death due to food shortages amid fighting that has spread to 13 of Sudan’s 18 states.

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