UN Security Council adopts resolution urging Rapid Support Forces to end hostilities in Sudan

UN Security Council adopts resolution urging Rapid Support Forces to end hostilities in Sudan

Resolution demands Rapid Support Forces halt siege of El Fasher in North Darfur and withdraw all fighters threatening security of civilians

By Merve Aydogan

HAMILTON, Canada (AA) - The UN Security Council on Thursday adopted a resolution demanding the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan to end hostilities and its siege of El Fasher in North Darfur.

The draft resolution presented by the United Kingdom was voted on in the 15-member Security Council.

It was passed with 14 votes in favor and one abstention from Russia.

Speaking after the vote, UK's Permanent Representative to the UN Barbara Woodward said the situation in Sudan is "desperate and the humanitarian needs of Sudan's population are severe."

She emphasized that the resolution "underlines the need for full, rapid, safe and unhindered cross border and cross line humanitarian access."

The resolution calls on the RSF to end the siege of El Fasher, urgently cease hostilities, and reduce tensions.

Demanding the withdrawal of all forces threatening the safety of civilians in El Fasher, the resolution underscores the need to protect all civilians wishing to leave.

It calls for the full implementation of the Jeddah Declaration, which aims to protect civilians, and emphasizes the importance of ensuring rapid, secure, and sustainable distribution of humanitarian aid.

Urging the international community to increase financial support, it further calls on member states to refrain from external intervention that could exacerbate instability.

It also calls on the parties to immediately cease hostilities and opt for dialogue.

According to the UN, the conflict in Sudan that started in April 2023 has resulted in more than 16,000 deaths, displaced nearly 10 million people, and left over 25 million in need of humanitarian assistance, making it one of the world's largest displacement and hunger crises.

Sudan has been mired in fighting between the army, led by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who is the head of the ruling Sovereign Council, and the RSF paramilitary group.

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