UPDATE - 3 foreign tourists killed in Afghanistan

UPDATE - 3 foreign tourists killed in Afghanistan

•⁠ ⁠In separate incident, 5 civilians killed in Paktia province as soldiers of Afghanistan, Pakistan exchange fire across border


By Riyaz ul Khaliq and Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) - At least three foreign tourists and one native citizen were killed when they came under an armed attack in Afghanistan on Friday, an official said.

Mufti Abdul Mateen Qani, Interior Ministry spokesman, said the fatal attack took place in the central Bamyan province.

At least seven others, including four foreigners, were injured, Qani said in a brief statement on X, adding that four suspects were detained during the investigation.

Meanwhile, five Afghan civilians were killed and as many were injured during an exchange of gunfire between soldiers of Afghanistan and Pakistan across the border along the Durand border in Paktia province.

Locals said that the cross-border firing has been ongoing for the past three days.

In yet another incident, two children were killed and another injured in an explosion in the northern Balkh province, Kabul-based Tolo News reported.

A local security official said the children were killed when a rocket exploded.

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