UPDATE - Armament in Mideast, Asia-Pacific could bring world to ‘edge of cliff,’ Turkish foreign minister warns

UPDATE - Armament in Mideast, Asia-Pacific could bring world to ‘edge of cliff,’ Turkish foreign minister warns

Global system facing 2 conventional wars simultaneously, all of which have global repercussions, Hakan Fidan says


By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Saturday said that armament in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region is on the rise and warned that this could bring the world on the “edge of the cliff, ending up with a nuclear war threat.”

“As history reminds us, the vicious circle of armament race and mistrust can bring the world on the edge of the cliff, ending up with the nuclear war threat,” Fidan said at TRT World Forum 2024 in Istanbul.

Stressing that the global system is facing two conventional wars simultaneously, all of which have global repercussions, Fidan said that Türkiye is “just at the center of these wars.”

"The stability in the Middle East, South Caucasus and the eastern Mediterranean, as well as the Black Sea is a primary goal for us," he said.

Fidan said that the international system is facing political, military, economic, and environmental challenges, emphasizing that humanity is going through a critical geopolitical period in response to these challenges.

Stressing that the UN, an organization created for the “maintenance of international peace and security," failed to fulfill its mission.

Mentioning that increasing polarization is becoming more evident, Fidan said: “This intensifies the search for new alliances and partnerships. As a result, the international security architecture is, as you all know and witnessing, weakening.”

"No order can be sustainable if it is not based on justice," Fidan added.

The foreign minister underlined the need to reform global communities in various areas, including political, economic, and justice.

In addition, Fidan pointed out that techno-politics is affecting the international balance, saying that artificial intelligence and cybersecurity systems are also increasing the perception of threats.

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