UPDATE - Israel must not be allowed to violate Gaza ceasefire: Turkish President Erdogan

UPDATE - Israel must not be allowed to violate Gaza ceasefire: Turkish President Erdogan

'Despite 467 days of genocide and massacres, Israel failed to break will of resistance of our brothers and sisters in Gaza,' says Recep Tayyip Erdogan


By Yasin Gungor and Merve Berker

ISTANBUL/ANKARA (AA) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday criticized Israel's history of ceasefire violations, urging the international community to prevent further breaches amid the Gaza ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.

"Israel, particularly (Premier Benjamin) Netanyahu, has a significant record of ceasefire violations, this should not be allowed this time (in Gaza)," Erdogan told his party’s provincial congress in Adana, southern Türkiye.

He condemned Israel's 467-day offensive in Gaza which caused more than 47,000 fatalities, saying: "Despite 467 days of genocide and massacres, Israel has failed to break the will of resistance of our brothers and sisters in Gaza."

Erdogan reaffirmed Türkiye’s commitment to holding perpetrators of war crimes in Palestine accountable. "Our efforts to hold the perpetrators of war and crimes against humanity to account one by one will continue to intensify," he said.

Türkiye will mobilize by all means to heal the wounds of Gaza during the ceasefire period, Erdogan added.

On Wednesday, Qatar announced a three-phase ceasefire agreement between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas to end more than 15 months of deadly Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, with the ceasefire set to take effect on Sunday at 0630 GMT.

Regarding Syria, Erdogan said the country's new administration has demonstrated a moderate understanding that includes all religious, sectarian, and ethnic groups.

He added that Türkiye appreciates the administration's efforts to ensure Syria's political and geographical unity.

Israel's "project to divide Syria into three parts, turning it into pieces that are easy to swallow, has collapsed," Erdogan said.

He emphasized Türkiye’s support for voluntary refugee returns while opposing any forced repatriation.

Erdogan also reiterated that Türkiye will provide all possible support to Syria so it can quickly leave behind the massive destruction and suffering it has endured and rebuild itself as a whole, strong, and prosperous country again.

Bashar Assad, Syria’s leader for nearly 25 years, fled to Russia after anti-regime groups took control of Damascus on Dec. 8, ending the Baath Party’s rule, which had lasted since 1963.

Kaynak:Source of News

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