UPDATE - John Ratcliffe confirmed as CIA director

UPDATE - John Ratcliffe confirmed as CIA director

Ratcliffe confirmed by Senate in 74-25 vote


By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - The US Senate on Thursday confirmed John Ratcliffe to head the CIA in a 74-25 vote.

Ratcliffe is the second Cabinet nominee to get confirmed since new President Donald Trump was sworn in Monday.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said before the vote that he was opposed to Ratcliffe’s confirmation.

"I will respectfully vote no – not because of our political difference, which of course exists – but because I am deeply worried that Mr. Ratcliffe will be unable to stand up to people like Donald Trump and Tulsi Gabbard, who are known to falsify intelligence.

"As CIA Director, Mr. Ratcliffe will have to make decisions based on intelligence and fact," said Schumer.

Ratcliffe, who served as director of national intelligence during President Donald Trump’s first term, said last week at his confirmation hearing, that there is a need for the CIA to continue to focus on threats posed by China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party.

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