UPDATE - Turkey: President Erdogan re-elected ruling party head

UPDATE - Turkey: President Erdogan re-elected ruling party head

Recep Tayyip Erdogan elected to post for 7th time after winning all valid votes


By Dilan Pamuk

ANKARA (AA) - Turkey's president on Wednesday was unanimously re-elected leader of the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party in a congress in the capital Ankara.

After being nominated by top party officials, Recep Tayyip Erdogan was re-elected chairman for a seventh term at the party’s 7th Ordinary Grand Congress.

Out of 1,431 ballots, Erdogan got 1,428 valid votes, and there were three spoiled ballots, according to Ali Ihsan Yavuz, the party’s deputy chair.

Speaking after the vote, Erdogan thanked his fellow party members for deeming him worthy of the post.

"I wish from Allah that our congress will be beneficial for our country, nation and party. I would like to thank each and every one of you for deeming me worthy of the chairmanship once again," he told the voters.

"As the AK Party, we will continue to work for our 2023 goals with new enthusiasm and greater desire. Let's not forget that 2023 will be a new year of victory for the People's Alliance. Let's not forget that the People's Alliance is not a desk alliance, but a consensus of hearts," he added, referring to the AK Party-the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) alliance, formed ahead of June 2018 general elections.

Separately, the party also elected 75 members of its Central Decision and Executive Board (MKYK).

Meanwhile, MHP leader Devlet Bahceli congratulated Erdogan on his re-election as the AK Party chairman on phone.

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