UPDATE - Yoon Suk-yeol becomes 1st sitting South Korean president to be arrested

UPDATE - Yoon Suk-yeol becomes 1st sitting South Korean president to be arrested

Yoon faces charges over martial law decree, local media reports


By Gizem Nisa Cebi

ISTANBUL (AA) — South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol was formally arrested early Sunday on charges of insurrection, becoming the first sitting president in the nation’s history to face detention while in office, local media reported.

The Seoul Western District Court approved the arrest warrant, citing sufficient proof for the charges and the risk of evidence tampering, according to the Yonhap News Agency.

Yoon is accused of declaring martial law on Dec. 3 and allegedly deploying troops to the National Assembly to block lawmakers from overturning his decree.

After his formal arrest, Yoon may be indicted for insurrection and abuse of power charges.

Yoon, who can be held for up to 20 days, denied wrongdoing during a court hearing Saturday, asserting his actions were “necessary to preserve national stability.”

Critics, however, condemned the short-lived martial law as a desperate power grab amid protests over alleged corruption and mismanagement.

The Constitutional Court is still deliberating on whether to uphold Yoon's impeachment, approved by the National Assembly on Dec. 10. A final decision is expected in the coming weeks.

Right after the official announcement, Yoon supporters occupied Western District Court, snatching police shields and assaulting them, the agency added.

In a short time, police were deployed to the court in large numbers to put down Yoon supporters who barged in, breaking glass windows and entering the building.

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