US ambassador to UN nominee vows to serve interest of American people

US ambassador to UN nominee vows to serve interest of American people

'We should never tolerate any US taxpayer funds going towards terrorism' because US is 'largest contributor' to UN, says Elise Stefanik

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - Elise Stefanik, President Donald Trump's nominee for US ambassador to the UN, pledged Tuesday to serve the interest of the American people.

"If confirmed, I will work to ensure that our Mission to the United Nations serves the interest of the American people, and represents American President Trump’s ‘America First Peace Through Strength’ foreign policy," the congresswoman from the state of New York said at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

She said it has "never been more critical" for the US to lead with strength and moral clarity as the world faces security challenges, ranging from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.

“This is especially important regarding our most precious ally Israel," she said.

Stefanik said the US is the "largest contributor" to the UN, and she pledged to work to ensure the agency is using US tax dollars to advance American interests.

"As a member of Congress, I also understand deeply that we must be good stewards of US taxpayer dollars. The US is the largest contributor to the UN by far. Our tax dollars should not be complicit in propping up entities that are counter to American interests, antisemitic, or engaging in fraud, corruption, or terrorism," she said.

- There’s 'antisemitic rot' within UN

Asked how she would deal with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Stefanik said she was one of the lawmakers who voted to defund the agency.

UNRWA has been hindered from doing its job since last January, when Israel accused 12 of the thousands of its employees in the Gaza Strip of being involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

Amid a probe of the claims, at least 16 countries, including the US, paused or suspended funding to the agency, and its aid work for Gaza’s famine-stricken population has suffered.

"We should never tolerate any US taxpayer funds going towards terrorism. ... I fully support the president's commitment to defunding and I'm proud to have voted for that in the Congress," she said.

Her hearing was one day after Trump signed an executive order to suspend US foreign assistance programs for 90 days pending a review of consistency with his policies.

Stefanik claimed that there is an "antisemitic rot" within the UN.

"There are more resolutions targeting Israel than any other country, any other crisis, combined," she said, adding that the US needs to be a "voice of moral clarity" on the Security Council and at the UN at large for the world to hear "the importance of standing with Israel.”

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