US, Armenia sign strategic partnership commission charter in Washington

US, Armenia sign strategic partnership commission charter in Washington

This commission gives us a framework to expand our bilateral cooperation in a number of key areas, says Secretary of State Blinken

By Servet Gunerigok

WASHINGTON (AA) - The US and Armenia on Tuesday signed a strategic partnership commission charter during a signing ceremony in Washington DC.

"We're establishing our US-Armenia Strategic Partnership Commission," said Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a signing ceremony at the State Department alongside with his Armenian counterpart, Ararat Mirzoyan.

"This commission gives us a framework to expand our bilateral cooperation in a number of key areas, economic matters, security and defense, democracy, justice, inclusion and people to people exchanges," said Blinken.

The American diplomat also said Washington is now poised to begin negotiations on 123 Agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation, which aims to create a framework to develop safe and modern civil nuclear power.

"And this is genuinely a milestone," said Blinken, which he also said will open new avenues for two countries to collaborate on nuclear energy, on science and on technology.

He also said the US will, next month, have a Customs and Border Patrol team travel Armenia to work with their Armenian counterparts on border security capacity building.

Blinken also said Armenia intend to join the global coalition to defeat Daesh/ISIS.

Mirzoyan, for his part, said the Armenia-US Strategic Partnership Charter provides a robust framework and injects greater ambition into the cooperation between the two nations.

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