US consumer confidence index falls below expectations in January

US consumer confidence index falls below expectations in January

Consumer confidence index down by 0.8 points in January month-on-month

By Sevgi Ceren Gokkoyun

The consumer confidence index measured by the University of Michigan in the US fell to 73.2 in January, below market expectations.

The university announced that the consumer confidence index decreased by 0.8 points in January compared to last month.

The consumer confidence index, which was realized below market expectations, was estimated to take the value of 74 in this period, as it was last month.

The current economic conditions index, which measures Americans' assessment of current financial conditions, increased by 2.8 points on a monthly basis to 77.9 in January.

The consumer expectations index, which reflects the long-term forecasts of consumers, decreased by 3.1 points to 70.2 in the same period.

Consumers' short-term inflation expectations rose from 2.8% to 3.3% in January, reaching their highest level since May 2024, while long-term inflation expectations rose from 3% to 3.3%.

*Writing by Gokhan Ergocun in Istanbul

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