US, France, Germany, UK call for de-escalation in Syria

US, France, Germany, UK call for de-escalation in Syria

Joint statement urges immediate reduction of tensions, civilian protection, progress toward political resolution under UN framework

By Merve Berker

The governments of the US, France, Germany, and UK on Sunday expressed concern over the escalating situation in Syria, emphasizing the need for de-escalation and civilian protection.

In a joint statement released by the US Department of State, the nations called on all parties involved to “prevent further displacement and disruption of humanitarian access.”

“The current escalation only underscores the urgent need for a Syrian-led political solution to the conflict, in line with UNSCR 2254,” the statement read, highlighting the importance of adhering to the UN Security Council Resolution that outlines a roadmap for peace.

The statement stressed the significance of safeguarding civilian lives and infrastructure as a crucial step toward mitigating the humanitarian crisis.

Armed anti-regime groups are advancing into Aleppo and other regions, just days after launching a surprise offensive last week.

Clashes broke out on Nov. 27 between Assad regime forces and anti-regime armed groups in the western countryside of Aleppo in northern Syria, marking a re-escalation of the fighting after a period of relative calm in the civil war that has gripped Syria since it erupted in 2011.

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