US producer prices up less than expectations

US producer prices up less than expectations

Producer prices up 3.3% in December 2024 on yearly basis

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Producer prices in the US rose 3.3% in December 2024 on a yearly basis, versus 1.1% in December 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Tuesday.

The market expectation was 3.5% for the month, while the bureau also said producer prices rose 0.2% month-on-month in December.

"The December increase in prices for final demand goods is attributable to a 3.5-percent jump in the index for final demand energy," it said.

It added: "In contrast, prices for final demand foods edged down 0.1 percent, while the index for final demand goods less foods and energy was unchanged."

The US will also release consumer inflation figures on Wednesday, the last such report under President Joe Biden, whose White House tenure ends next Monday.

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