Veteran Australian broadcaster arrested over sexual crimes

Veteran Australian broadcaster arrested over sexual crimes

Alan Jones arrested at his luxury Sydney apartment, charged with 24 offences, according to reports

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) – Veteran Australian broadcaster Alan Jones was arrested and charged on Monday with a series of indecent assault and sexual touching offences spanning two decades.

The New South Wales Police said that Jones was charged with a total of 24 offences, which involved eight alleged victims, ABC News reported.

The allegations include 11 counts of aggravated indecent assault, nine counts of assault with act of indecency, two counts of sexually touching another person without consent and two counts of common offence.

The youngest alleged victim was aged 17.

The NSW police said the Child Abuse Squad detectives executed a warrant and arrested the 83-year-old Jones at his luxury Sydney apartment.

Jones appeared "calm" at the time of his arrest, the police added.

According to Assistant Commissioner Michael Fitzgerald, Jones knew the alleged victims both personally and professionally.

The police also seized a number of electronic devices during the raid.

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