Zelenskyy, Macron discuss Ukraine’s EU bid

Zelenskyy, Macron discuss Ukraine’s EU bid

Ukraine counting on France's support in EU accession talks, says President Zelenskyy

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has met with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron to discuss further support for Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict and the country’s European integration ambitions.

The leaders primarily addressed security cooperation and explored potential frameworks for providing security guarantees to both Ukraine and Europe, Zelenskyy said in a statement following the meeting on Monday.

“We are counting on France’s support in the negotiation process for our accession to the EU,” he said, reaffirming Ukraine’s determination to join the bloc.

Zelenskyy also expressed his appreciation for France’s “steadfast and unwavering support” on Ukraine’s path toward securing a just and lasting peace.

The talks come as Ukraine continues to strengthen its international alliances and enhance its defense capabilities in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, which began in February 2022.

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