4th edition of İstanbul Photo Awards 10th anniversary exhibition to open in Ankara

4th edition of İstanbul Photo Awards 10th anniversary exhibition to open in Ankara

Turkish capital joins previous showcases of international photography contest in Istanbul, New York, Brussels

By Yasin Gungor

ISTANBUL (AA) - The fourth exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of Anadolu's İstanbul Photo Awards will open in Ankara on Tuesday.

Running on Dec. 10-22 at CerModern Arts Center, the event features award-winning photographs from the international news photography contest.

With this event, the Turkish capital joins previous showcases in Istanbul, New York, and Brussels.

This year’s exhibition showcases global events from the past year, ranging from Israel's ongoing genocide in Palestine to the devastating earthquakes in southern Türkiye in February 2023, dubbed "the disaster of the century."

The exhibition also highlights critical issues like Mexican drug cartel violence, Afghan refugee camps, plastic pollution in Nigeria, and the destruction of elephant habitats in Sri Lanka.

It also covers global sports events like the World Aquatics Championships in Japan and the Wimbledon tennis tournament, as well as stories of discrimination in India and migrant tragedies near Spain.

This year’s competition drew over 20,000 entries across categories such as news, sports, environment, portraits, and daily life. A total of 32 photographers were awarded in 10 categories.

With Turkcell as the communications sponsor, Sony as the award sponsor, and Turkish Airlines as the airline sponsor, the contest also receives international event sponsorship from the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA).

Meanwhile, submissions for the 2025 edition are open until Jan. 10, 2025, at istanbulphotoawards.com.

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