Brazilian legend Ronaldo looks to lead country's football federation

Brazilian legend Ronaldo looks to lead country's football federation

48-year-old announces candidacy to replace Ednaldo Rodrigues, whose term ends in 2026

By Emre Asikci

ISTANBUL (AA) - Brazilian legend Ronaldo Nazario said Tuesday he would run to lead the country's Football Confederation (CBF).

"For many decades, Brazilian football has always been the escape route for the Brazilian people when they faced daily problems," Ronaldo told Brazilian Globo TV.

"Among hundreds of things that motivate me to become a candidate for president of the CBF is to recover this prestige and respect that the national team has always had and that no one else has today," he added.

The term of current President Ednaldo Rodrigues is set to end in March 2026.

Ronaldo, 48, a World Cup winner in 1994 and 2002, scored 62 goals in 99 matches for the national team.

Brazil, which holds a record five FIFA World Cup titles, last lifted the trophy in 2002.

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