China backs UN as main channel on global governance of AI

China backs UN as main channel on global governance of AI

Officials from China, US hold 1st inter-governmental talks on artificial intelligence

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) - China has extended its support to the UN as the main channel to strengthen global governance of artificial intelligence (AI).

This was discussed as officials representing the Chinese and the US government held their first meeting regarding AI in Geneva on Tuesday.

The two sides had an “in-depth, professional and constructive exchange of views on the risks of AI, global governance and other issues of concern,” Chinese state media reported on Wednesday.

It marks the implementation of consensus reached out by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart last November in San Francisco where Beijing and Washington agreed to hold inter-governmental deliberations on the AI.

Officials from Beijing said China “supports strengthening global governance of AI, advocates the role of the UN as the main channel, and stands ready to strengthen communication and coordination with the international community, including the US, to form a global framework and standards for AI governance with broad consensus.”

Recognizing AI as “one of the most significant emerging technologies today,” officials from Beijing said: “China adheres to the concept of putting people first and ensuring that the technology is beneficial, safe, and fair.”

However, the Chinese side alleged the US was putting “restrictions and repression on China in the field of AI.”

But the two sides “recognize that there are both opportunities and risks in the development of AI.”

Yang Tao, director general of the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs, represented China and his delegation included officials from the Science and Technology Ministry, the National Development and Reform Commission, and other government agencies.

The US side was led by Tarun Chhabra, special assistant to the president and senior director for technology and national security, along with officials from the Commerce Department.

Geneva, the city known for defending diplomacy and human rights, is scheduled to host the annual “AI for Good” conference later this month.

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