Chinese, US officials set for high stakes AI talks in Geneva

Chinese, US officials set for high stakes AI talks in Geneva

Bilateral talks aim to exchange views on technical risks, opportunity for direct communication on respective concerns

By Muhammed Yasin Gungor

ISTANBUL (AA) - Chinese and US officials are set to meet for intergovernmental dialogue in Geneva on Tuesday to discuss artificial intelligence (AI), including risks and safety associated with the technology.

The bilateral talks aim to exchange views on the technical risks of AI and provide an opportunity for direct communication on respective concerns, according to US officials.

The talks stem from a November meeting between President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in San Francisco, where the two leaders agreed to address AI risks and safety.

Chinese state media said the first inter-governmental dialogue on AI between the two countries will cover technology risks, global governance, and other issues of mutual concern.

Last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington agreed to hold first such talks with Beijing on artificial intelligence "to share our respective views on risks and safety concerns around advanced AI and how best to manage them."

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