Defectors fly anti-North Korean balloons across border from South

Defectors fly anti-North Korean balloons across border from South

Defectors criticize North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in banner tied to balloon

By Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) - North Korean defectors have flown across the border from South Korea around 20 large plastic balloons to send anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets and condemn the regime of Kim Jong-un.

Park Sang-hak, head of Fighters for a Free North Korea - a North Korean defectors group - disclosed the balloons, carrying 300,000 flyers criticizing the regime and 2,000 USB sticks filled with K-pop content, were launched from Ganghwa Island near the western inter-Korean border late Friday, Seoul-based Yonhap News reported.

"Kim Jong-un, he is nothing but an irreversible traitor and an enemy of our people," a banner tied to a balloon read.

Park blamed Kim for seeking to perpetuate his grip on power and hamper inter-Korean reunification.

“We've sent the anti-North Korea leaflets for the North Korean compatriots who have become modern-time slaves," Park added.

Many North Korean defectors live in the South.

The move came as Kim over the weekend visited major defense industrial enterprises to “learn about the implementation” of his “party’s policy on munitions industry,” according to North Korea’s KCNA News.

During the inspection, Kim said: "In order to mass-produce multiple rocket launchers of our style with high efficiency and reliability, it is important to steadily improve the level of modernization of the production lines."

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