

Here are the main topics Anadolu's English Desk plans to cover on Sunday, May 12, 2024

Here are the main topics Anadolu's English Desk plans to cover on Sunday, May 12, 2024 (coverage may change depending on developing/breaking stories):


Gaza City - The Israeli army's military operation in Gaza Strip's southernmost city of Rafah. The UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) said around 150,000 Palestinians have already left the city.

Israeli offensive in the blockaded enclave since last October has killed nearly 35,000 people amid a crippling blockade that has left most of population on verge of starvation.

Ramallah - Israeli raids in West Bank since Oct. 7, 2023 which have led to killing of nearly 500 Palestinians, injuring around 4,950, and arrested more than 8,677, according to Palestinian sources.


Tel Aviv - Protests in Israel to pressure government to resign and reach hostage swap deal with Palestinians.

Reactions over Hamas announcement of death of British hostage in Gaza Strip due to injuries sustained from Israeli targeting of his detention site.


Cairo – Indirect talks between Israel and Hamas aimed at reaching hostage swap deal and cease-fire in Gaza.


Beirut - Continuing cross-border attacks between Hezbollah and Israel that flared up last October, in deadliest clashes between two sides since their full-scale war in 2006.


Sanaa - Houthi attacks on commercial ships suspected of ties to Israel, and retaliatory US airstrikes.


Kabul - Hundreds killed, property damaged after flash floods hit north and northeastern regions.


Manchester - Manchester United to host contenders Arsenal in English Premier League week 37 match. Arsenal are two points behind leaders Manchester City with 85 points.


First major poll in Kashmir since loss of autonomy begins Monday

By Hilal Mir

SRINAGAR, Jammu and Kashmir - A major election will be held in the disputed Kashmir region for the first time since its special political status was abrogated by the Hindu nationalist Indian government on Aug 5, 2019.

‘Devastation, uncertainty’: Israeli onslaught leaves Gaza's athletes struggling to see future at home

By Emre Asikci

Istanbul - Besides the huge death toll it has caused, Israel's ongoing assault and blockade has also destroyed any shred of normal life that once existed in the Gaza Strip, including sports and exercise.

Speaking to several athletes and sports enthusiasts in the Palestinian enclave, this report shines a light on the pain they have suffered since Israeli attacks began on Oct. 7, 2023.

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