German airline suspends flights to Tehran for security reasons

German airline suspends flights to Tehran for security reasons

Situation will be reevaluated on April 11, says spokesperson for Lufthansa

By Erbil Basay

ISTANBUL (AA) - German airline Lufthansa announced Wednesday that it is suspending flights to the Iranian capital Tehran for security reasons.

The company decided to suspend flights to and from the city until April 11 following a thorough evaluation due to the current situation in the Middle East, according to reports in the German press citing a Lufthansa spokesperson.

The spokesperson said the company is continuously monitoring the situation and remains in contact with authorities, stressing that "the safety of our passengers and crew is our top priority.”

The spokesperson added that the situation will be reevaluated on April 11.

The reports noted that Iran and Israel have previously threatened each other with attacks.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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