Google announces plan to adopt Trump’s new names for Mount Denali, Gulf of Mexico

Google announces plan to adopt Trump’s new names for Mount Denali, Gulf of Mexico

In executive order signed on his 1st day back in office on Jan. 20, US President Trump directed secretary of interior to implement changes within 30 days

By Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) - Google on Tuesday announced that its maps will adopt President Donald Trump's preferred names, Mount McKinley and Gulf of America, for Mount Denali and the Gulf of Mexico once federal maps are updated.

In an executive order signed on his first day back in office on Jan. 20, Trump directed the secretary of the interior to implement the changes within 30 days.

In a statement on X, Google indicated that any name changes on Google Maps driven by the US' Geographic Names Information System would follow the company’s long-standing policy.

"We have a longstanding practice of applying name changes when they have been updated in official government sources," it said.

The statement said that when the US information system makes the changes, the company "will update Google Maps in the US quickly to show Mount McKinley and Gulf of America."

The company also noted that if the new names are not recognized internationally, the accepted names in each country will be displayed on Google Maps, meaning Mount Denali and the Gulf of Mexico may remain their names outside the US.

Kaynak:Source of News

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