Turkish foreign minister meets with Saudi counterpart

Turkish foreign minister meets with Saudi counterpart

Hakan Fidan meets with Faisal bin Farhan in Saudi capital Riyadh, says Turkish Foreign Ministry

By Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Tuesday met with his Saudi counterpart Faisal bin Farhan in Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh, Türkiye's Foreign Ministry said on X.

No more details about the meeting have been shared yet.

Fidan is visiting Saudi Arabia and is expected to highlight the growing political relations between the two countries in his discussions and express the goal of further boosting the rapidly expanding bilateral trade volume.

The Turkish foreign minister is also anticipated to emphasize the significance of the international community's increasing engagement with Syria's new administration, noting Saudi Arabia's positive approach in this regard.

The Saudi foreign minister visited Türkiye last year on July 14. Fidan also visited Riyadh earlier this month to attend a multilateral Syria meeting, where he met with his Saudi counterpart.

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