Indian premier meets with world leaders at G7 summit in Italy

Indian premier meets with world leaders at G7 summit in Italy

It's Modi’s 1st overseas trip since becoming prime minister for a 3rd term this month

By Ahmad Adil

NEW DELHI (AA) - The Indian prime minister Friday met with several world leaders, including Ukrainian and French presidents, and his UK counterpart, on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy on Friday.

It is Narendra Modi's first overseas trip since becoming prime minister for a third term.

Modi held separate meetings with the presidents of Ukraine and France, and the UK prime minister.

“Regarding the ongoing hostilities, reiterated that India believes in a human-centric approach and believes that the way to peace is through dialogue and diplomacy,” Modi wrote on X, about the “productive meeting” he held with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Regarding Modi's meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, the Indian Foreign Ministry said the two leaders “also exchanged views on key global and regional issues.”

“They emphasized that a strong and trusted Strategic Partnership between India and France is crucial for a stable and prosperous global order and agreed to work closely to make it scale greater heights,” the ministry also said.

Modi and his UK counterpart Rishi Sunak “discussed regional and multilateral matters of mutual interest,” as well as the “implementation of the roadmap 2030, and expressed happiness on progress in all areas of the comprehensive strategic partnership,” it added.

Modi on Thursday traveled to attend the G7 summit in Italy -- his first trip after he became the prime minister of the South Asian nation for the third consecutive term after the results of the general election were announced earlier this month.

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