German defender Hummels leaves Borussia Dortmund

German defender Hummels leaves Borussia Dortmund

German Bundesliga side announces departure of 35-year-old German defender

By Selcuk Bugra Gokalp

German Bundesliga side Borussia Dortmund announced Friday that German defender Mats Hummels will leave the club.

"Borussia Dortmund fans, my time at the Black & Yellows has come to an end after 13 years in total," said Hummels in a statement published by the German club.

"It was a huge honor and a joy for me to play for BVB for such a long time, and to be almost ever-present on the journey from 13th place in the table in January 2008 to what Borussia Dortmund represents today. This club and its fans are special – and for me they're much more than that."

Borussia Dortmund's sports director Lars Ricken said, "Mats was one of the driving forces behind Borussia Dortmund over the last 15 years. He won lots of trophies, and without question his personal crowning achievement was winning the World Cup in 2014."

The 2014 FIFA World Cup winner, who netted five goals in 78 appearances for Germany, bagged six Bundesliga titles, four with Bayern Munich and two with Dortmund.

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