Kazakh president says visit to Hungary demonstrates mutual desire to deepen cooperation

Kazakh president says visit to Hungary demonstrates mutual desire to deepen cooperation

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev meets Hungarian counterpart amid official visit to capital Budapest

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on Wednesday said his visit to Hungary demonstrates the mutual desire of both countries to deepen bilateral cooperation.

“My state visit to Budapest clearly demonstrates our mutual desire to further deepen multifaceted cooperation,” Tokayev was quoted as saying by the Kazakh presidential press service Akorda during a meeting with Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok.

Expressing that Kazakhstan and Hungary have built a trusting political dialogue and strong economic cooperation, Tokayev said they have great potential for developing fruitful cooperation.

He further underlined the importance of expanding trade, economic, and investment ties with Hungary, the statement said.

According to Tokayev, both countries have mutual interests in developing sectors such as energy, transport, logistics, metallurgy, renewable energy, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals.

For his part, Sulyok said Hungary and Kazakhstan are making every effort to strengthen multifaceted cooperation, and that the peoples of the two countries have common historical roots despite their geographical distance.

“The interlocutors paid special attention to deepening cultural and humanitarian ties. The need to intensify academic and scientific exchange between leading universities of Kazakhstan and Hungary was emphasized,” the statement went on to say.

Tokayev arrived in Budapest on an official visit late Tuesday after completing a similar visit to neighboring Serbia earlier in the day.

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