Pakistan, China reaffirm role for 'peaceful, stable' Afghanistan

Pakistan, China reaffirm role for 'peaceful, stable' Afghanistan

In latest engagement on Afghan situation, Chinese special envoy to Afghanistan holds talks in Islamabad, says Foreign Ministry

By Aamir Latif

KARACHI, Pakistan (AA) - Pakistan and China Monday exchanged views on relations with Afghanistan, reaffirming the “vital” role of neighboring countries for a “peaceful and stable” Afghanistan.

In the latest engagement on the situation in the war-torn country, Chinese special envoy to Afghanistan, Yue Xiaoyong, called on Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Amna Baloch on Monday in the capital Islamabad, said a statement from Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry.

Yue also held detailed consultations with other Foreign Ministry officials.

Yue’s visit came days after a visit to Pakistan by a Russian special envoy to Afghanistan, and an Indian diplomat’s rare trip to Kabul for talks with Taliban acting Defense Minister Molvi Muhammad Yaqoob Mujahid earlier this month.

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