Pentagon removes Mark Milley’s portrait hours after Trump’s inauguration

Pentagon removes Mark Milley’s portrait hours after Trump’s inauguration

In final hours in office, Biden issued preemptive pardon for Milley, other officials he feared Trump might retaliate against

By Rabia Iclal Turan

WASHINGTON (AA) - The Pentagon removed a portrait of former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley on Monday, less than three hours after President Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the US.

The portrait was reportedly placed on display Jan. 10 by the Biden administration.

The Pentagon and the White House have yet to comment on the reports.

In the final hours of his presidency, President Joe Biden issued a preemptive pardon for Milley and other officials who he feared might face retaliation from Trump. Trump, who nominated Milley for the position, had later crashed with the general on several national security issues.

Milley expressed his "deep gratitude" for Biden's decision in a statement.

"After forty-three years of faithful service in uniform to our Nation, protecting and defending the Constitution, I do not wish to spend whatever remaining time the Lord grants me fighting those who unjustly might seek retribution for perceived slights," he said.

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