South Korea 'successfully' test-fires solid-fuel space rocket

South Korea 'successfully' test-fires solid-fuel space rocket

Seoul last week conducted joint live-fire exercise in show of power against North Korea

ANKARA (AA) - South Korea on Wednesday said it has successfully test-fired a solid-fuel space rocket a week after North Korea's inter-continental ballistic missile launch (ICBM).

The test was conducted at Taean, 150 kilometers (around 93 miles) southwest of Seoul, Yonhap reported quoting the country's Defense Ministry.

"(The test) came at a very grave juncture in which North Korea has recently breached its moratorium and launched an ICBM," the Defense Ministry said.

The ministry said it regarded outer-space as "a core realm that significantly affects national security" and would enhance its defense capabilities in the sector.

Tensions have mounted in the Korean Peninsula as both the North and South conduct frequent military drills in a show of power.

This year alone, North Korea has conducted more than 10 missile tests, including that of a newly developed hypersonic missile.

* Writing by Islamuddin Sajid

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