Trump attends church service ahead of inauguration ceremony

Trump attends church service ahead of inauguration ceremony

Service near White House also being attended by Vice President-elect JD Vance, wife

By Servet Gunerigok

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President-elect Donald Trump and first lady-to-be Melania Trump on Monday attended a service at St John’s Episcopal Church ahead of his inauguration.

The service near the White House is also being attended by Vice President-elect JD Vance and his wife Usha Vance.

Trump will be sworn in as the 47th president of the US.

The inauguration will take place indoors due to cold temperatures. Trump will take the oath of office in the Capitol Rotunda.

Following the church service, Trump will participate in a White House tea alongside Melania, and outgoing President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden.

After those events conclude, Trump will make his way to the Capitol One Arena for a rally with supporters.

He will then head to the White House to commence his official first day in office with an expected flurry of executive actions.

The day's events will conclude with a trio of invite-only inaugural balls held across Washington -- the Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball, the Liberty Inaugural Ball and the Starlight Ball.

Kaynak:Source of News

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