Pope offers well wishes to Donald Trump ahead of inauguration

Pope offers well wishes to Donald Trump ahead of inauguration

Pope’s message comes just a day after he called Trump’s reported plan to deport millions of immigrants from the US a 'disgrace'

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - Pope Francis offered US President-elect Donald Trump strength and wisdom in a message sent to the incoming president ahead of his inauguration later Monday.

Francis, who has recently criticized Trump’s migration policy, said he would pray for “wisdom, strength and protection” for Trump, Vatican News reported.

"Inspired by your nation’s ideals of being a land of opportunity and welcome for all, it is my hope that under your leadership the American people will prosper and always strive to build a more just society, where there is no room for hatred, discrimination or exclusion," said the pontiff.

The pope also expressed hope to see Trump work to promote peace and reconciliation among peoples.

"With these sentiments ... I invoke upon you, your family, and the beloved American people an abundance of divine blessings," he added.

The pope’s message comes just a day after the pontiff called Trump’s reported plan to deport millions of immigrants from the US a "disgrace."

Trump is due to take his oath of office as president at midday in Washington, succeeding current President Joe Biden.

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