Trump says Monday's inauguration will be held indoors due to frigid temperatures

Trump says Monday's inauguration will be held indoors due to frigid temperatures

President-elect says Capitol One Arena to be used to host supporters for viewing of swearing-in ceremony, as well as presidential parade

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President-elect Donald Trump announced Friday that his inauguration next week will be held indoors due to what forecasters are predicting will be exceptionally frigid temperatures.

"It is my obligation to protect the People of our Country but, before we even begin, we have to think of the Inauguration itself. The weather forecast for Washington, D.C., with the windchill factor, could take temperatures into severe record lows," Trump said on his proprietary social media network.

"Therefore, I have ordered the Inauguration Address, in addition to prayers and other speeches, to be delivered in the United States Capitol Rotunda, as was used by Ronald Reagan in 1985, also because of very cold weather. The various Dignitaries and Guests will be brought into the Capitol," he added.

Trump said the nearby Capitol One Arena, the home of the Washington Capitals and Wizards, will be opened on Monday to allow his supporters to view the proceedings indoors rather than on the mall where throngs of people typically congregate for presidential inaugurations. It will also be used to host the presidential parade, he said.

Trump plans to make an appearance after he is sworn into office.

"This will be a very beautiful experience for all, and especially for the large TV audience!" he said. "Everyone will be safe, everyone will be happy, and we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Forecasters are predicting single-digit wind chills Monday, setting the stage for temperatures not seen since Reagan was sworn-in in 1985.

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