Turkish Cuisine Week celebrated in Islamabad

Turkish Cuisine Week celebrated in Islamabad

Event focused on Turkish-Aegean cuisine hosted by Turkish Ambassador Mehmet Pacaci and his wife Meryem Pacaci

By Busranur Koca

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan / ANKARA (AA) — Türkiye's embassy in Pakistan on Thursday held an event celebrating Turkish cuisine in the South Asian country's capital Islamabad.

Ambassador Mehmet Pacaci and his wife Meryem Pacaci hosted the event marking Turkish Cuisine Week, with Pakistani Minister of State for Information Technology and Telecommunication Shaza Fatima Khawaja, attending as the guest of honor.

This year's theme for Turkish Cuisine Week was Turkish-Aegean cuisine, with guests enjoying dishes from the Aegean Sea region.

The hosts shared insights with guests about Aegean cuisine, highlighting how its rich, centuries-old, and healthy traditional recipes are crafted with a "zero waste" approach.

The event also showcased a promotional film titled Turkaegean and short videos featuring recipes of the dishes.

*Writing by Gizem Nisa Cebi in Istanbul

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