UN experts urge all parties to accept Gaza ceasefire, deliver on justice, humanitarian aid

UN experts urge all parties to accept Gaza ceasefire, deliver on justice, humanitarian aid

'We are dismayed that shortly after deal was announced, Israel continued bombing Gaza indiscriminately, killing Palestinian civilians despite expectations of calm until the ceasefire takes effect,' say experts

By Beyza Binnur Dönmez

GENEVA (AA) - UN experts on Friday urged all parties to accept the Gaza ceasefire deal, deliver justice and humanitarian aid, and ensure Palestinian self-determination.

In a statement, they expressed hope that a sustainable truce would end immense suffering and loss of life in the besieged Gaza, across the occupied Palestinian territory and in Israel.

"This ceasefire agreement follows 15 months of immense and terrible suffering in Gaza. We are dismayed that shortly after the deal was announced, Israel continued bombing Gaza indiscriminately, killing Palestinian civilians despite expectations of calm until the ceasefire takes effect," the experts said.

They underlined that it is time for all people and illegally detained captives to return home to their loved ones – both Israelis and Palestinians. The experts added that nearly two million people displaced within Gaza should also be allowed to return home, and be supported to rebuild their lives without fear of further displacement or persecution.

"We can only hope that this agreement will end the devastating loss of life, stop the genocidal assault and violence that has tormented millions in the occupied Palestinian territory and brought apocalyptic destruction in the Gaza Strip," they said.

The experts warned that the challenges ahead were monumental, with more than 70% of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure destroyed.

"The immediate priority in Gaza is ensuring unfettered humanitarian relief, early recovery and – crucially – reparations to the affected people commensurate with the damage wreaked by Israel since 7 October 2023. The immediate need is for shelter during winter with many children already dead from hypothermia, and food, water and medical and other essential supplies," they said.

They emphasized the importance of Gaza be brought under one legitimate Palestinian government based on the rights to self-determination.

"The violence, destruction and inhumane suffering that the world has witnessed for over a year is testament to collective political failure and decades of forcibly displacing Palestinian people from their homeland," the experts said.

They also called on Israel to cease obstructing investigations by the International Criminal Court, the Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and allow UN Special Procedures to conduct country visits.

"Justice for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity is owed to the millions directly affected by the brutal violence of the past year," they said.

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