UPDATE - China executes man for car-ramming attack that killed 35 people

UPDATE - China executes man for car-ramming attack that killed 35 people

Authorities also execute 21-year-old man for stabbing 8 people to death


By Berk Kutay Gokmen

ISTANBUL (AA) - China on Monday executed a man who rammed his car into the public, leaving 35 people dead and 42 others injured, state media reported.

Fan Weiqiu, 62, was given a death sentence last month over the incident that took place outside a sports complex on Nov. 11, 2024 in the Zhuhai city of southern Guangdong province.

In China, the death penalty remains a significant aspect of the judicial system, with various high-profile cases drawing attention to its application.

The court said he was dissatisfied with the division of marital property from his divorce.

The authorities also executed 21-year-old Xu Jiajin for killing 8 people in a knife attack.

Xu went on a killing spree on Nov. 16, stabbing eight people to death and injuring 17 at a college in eastern Jiangsu province.

He was sentenced to death last month.

Court said he was angry for failing his exams and unhappy with his low wages as a factory trainee.

He was executed in the city of Wuxi in Jiangsu.

Kaynak:Source of News

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