US citizens advised not to travel to Lebanon’s border with Israel, Syria after embassy attack

US citizens advised not to travel to Lebanon’s border with Israel, Syria after embassy attack

Warning comes after shootout outside US Embassy in Beirut

By Yaqut Dandashi

BEIRUT (AA) – The US Embassy in Beirut on Wednesday advised American citizens in Lebanon to avoid travel to areas along the borders with Israel and Syria.

The embassy also cautioned US citizens against traveling to refugee settlements or participating in demonstrations or large gatherings across the country.

The warning came hours after a shootout outside the embassy in the Lebanese capital early Wednesday.

According to Lebanese media, an embassy guard was injured in the shooting attack, while one attacker was killed and another injured and arrested. A manhunt was launched for a third suspect.

The embassy said its facility and team were safe after the attack.

"Investigations are underway and we are in close contact with host country law enforcement," the embassy added.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio

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