US foreign trade gap hits highest since April 2022

US foreign trade gap hits highest since April 2022

Trade deficit at $84.4B with exports hitting $267.9B in September, imports at $352.3B

​​​​​​​By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - The US trade deficit hit $84.4 billion in September, soaring 19.2% from August, hitting its highest since April 2022, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis said Tuesday.

The country's exports totaled $267.9 billion, down 1.2% month-on-month.

Imports amounted to $352.3 billion, up 3%.

The expectation for the deficit was to come in at $83.8 billion.

Canada also posted a foreign trade deficit Tuesday of CAN$1.26 billion ($911 million), exceeding expectations.

The country's exports were at CAN$63.88 billion and imports totaled CAN$65.15 billion.

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