Violent protests erupt near Belgian Embassy in Congolese capital

Violent protests erupt near Belgian Embassy in Congolese capital

Belgian nationals in Kinshasa, nearby areas advised to stay indoors and remain vigilant, says Foreign Ministry

By Necva Tastan Sevinc

ISTANBUL (AA) - Violent demonstrations broke out near several embassies in Kinshasa, capital of Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday, including the Belgian Embassy, where a gate was set ablaze.

The fire was quickly extinguished, and no immediate danger was reported to embassy staff or visitors, Belgium's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“We are in constant contact with our embassy in Kinshasa and the Congolese authorities,” the statement said.

The Belgian Embassy swiftly requested increased security measures from Congolese authorities, who responded positively.

"At no time has there been an immediate danger to embassy staff and visitors," the ministry stressed.

“We also reminded the Congolese authorities of their duty to protect diplomatic premises and staff,” the statement added.

In light of the unrest, Belgian nationals in Kinshasa and nearby areas have been advised to stay indoors and remain vigilant.

The embassy is maintaining direct communication with Belgians in the region to ensure their safety.

Earlier on Monday, M23 rebels, who are allegedly backed by Rwanda, claimed to have taken control of eastern Goma city, while Kinshasa claimed Rwandan forces were present.

So far, at least 25 people have been killed in Goma, as well as nine in Rwanda. Hundreds have been injured in the ongoing clashes.

Locals say both the government forces and rebels control parts of the city of three million people, including internally displaced persons.

Meanwhile, demonstrators also stormed and looted the Ugandan Embassy, accusing Uganda of supporting Rwandan proxies, referring to M23 rebels.

The protesters also attacked the Kenyan Embassy in Kinshasa.

The Kenyan Foreign Ministry said in a statement that protesters attacked the Kenyan, Ugandan, and South African embassies.

The “marauding protesters… are voicing their discontent on the conflict in the eastern part of that country,” the ministry said, urging Kinshasa authorities to take appropriate action.

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