WHO chief says rising violence in DR Congo 'deeply concerning'

WHO chief says rising violence in DR Congo 'deeply concerning'

'We urge all parties to protect health and humanitarian staff, patients and health facilities,' says Tedros

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - The World Health Organization (WHO) chief on Tuesday said that the rising violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially around Goma, is "deeply disturbing."

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on X that such violence is forcing hundreds of thousands of people to be on the move again.

"Through our hubs in Goma and Bukavu, WHO has supported the government to fight infectious diseases, and has supplied hospitals with medicines and equipment to treat the growing number of injured," Tedros said.

Last Saturday, before the Goma airport stopped operations, he said the UN agency delivered wound management supplies to treat 2,000 people and 25 tents to expand wards to accommodate up to 1,000 more injured patients; cholera supplies to treat 10,000 people and supplementary medical supplies for 320,000 people.

"But more will be needed as the situation evolves," he stressed. "Despite the increased risk, our teams remain working with the local health personnel to provide life-saving care."

"We urge all parties to protect health and humanitarian staff, patients and health facilities," he concluded.

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