

Here are the main topics Anadolu's English Desk plans to cover on Saturday, June 15, 2024

ISTANBUL (AA) - Here are the main topics Anadolu's English Desk plans to cover on Saturday, June 15, 2024 (coverage may change depending on developing/ breaking stories):

Israeli attacks in Gaza

Humanitarian and military developments in Gaza Strip as Israeli attacks continue despite efforts to reach a cease-fire. Israel has killed nearly 37,300 Palestinians and injured over 85,000 others since Oct. 7 last year.

West Bank raids

Almost daily military raids into cities and towns in occupied West Bank, which left at least 543 people dead, 5,200 injured and more than 9,170 in Israeli custody since Oct. 7, 2023.

Protests against Netanyahu’s government

Protests in Israel to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to reach a hostage-prisoners swap deal with Palestinians.

Gaza cease-fire talks

Mediated by US, Egypt and Qatar, indirect negotiations between Hamas and Israel to reach truce deal in Gaza continue.

Israel-Hezbollah clashes

Border skirmishes between Israel and Hezbollah continue. The Lebanese group launched its largest barrage of rockets at northern Israel after assassination of its top commander earlier this week.

Red Sea tension

Houthi attacks on commercial ships suspected to have links with Israel in the Red Sea and retaliatory airstrikes by a coalition led by US on group’s positions in Yemen.

Ukraine peace summit

Two-day Ukraine peace summit to begin in Burgenstock, Switzerland. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan set to participate.

Ramaphosa to head coalition in South Africa

Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa's president, and talks for positions in coalition government are set to begin.

South Africa to give update on Mpox outbreak

Health officials expected to give update on outbreak of Mpox. Officials say dozens of contact cases identified.

Putin's potential trip to North Korea, first since 2000

Russian President Vladimir Putin's possible trip to North, first since 2000 when he met North Korean leader’s late father, Kim Jong-il.

Seoul believes the trip may happen in a “few days” and has warned against further military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. Kim paid state visit to Russia last year.

Chinese premier begins official visit to Australia

China's Prime Minister Li Qiang begins 4-day official trip to Australia, first since 2017. The two sides are expected to discuss AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine pact, tariffs, and military activities in Asia Pacific.

China readies for flooding amid heavy downpour forecast

China has issued a level 4 emergency response to flood situation in four provincial-level southern regions, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, and Guizhou.

Authorities are expecting water levels in major rivers including Xijiang and Minjiang to surpass warning thresholds due to heavy downpours.

Straits Forum in Xiamen

The 16th Straits Forum opened in China's coastal city of Xiamen, which is also being attended by Taiwanese politicians. The week-long event will see some 50 events to promote cultural, economic and communication exchanges between people across the Taiwan Straits.

EURO 2024 group matches

Spain to play Croatia in UEFA EURO 2024 Group B match in Berlin, while defending champions Italy will face Albania in Dortmund.

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